Purpose | Theology of the Body is so deep that it is most adequately shared in a week-long course that helps one to connect the mind with the will in hopes to maximize the impact that TOB can have in one’s life, one’s call to love, and one’s lasting legacy. God is ultimately in charge of this growth and impact, but our hope is that the Discover Your Story Model could play a part in that, slowly and gently guiding people to the depth of spousal imagery in each course, while advancing through each level.
Concept | The flag-ship discipleship course for Discover Your Story is “Maximize: TOB & the Holy Spirit” and will cover the entire Model—all eight levels and all the Gifts of the Spirit. Other future courses will create deeper dives into each separate but intertwined level and courses can also be designed for particular topics.
Plan | If it be God's will, FRP hopes to debut the “Maximize: TOB & the Holy Spirit” 30-hour discipleship course at a nearby retreat center sometime in 2024, providing overnight accommodations, meals, daily Mass, adoration, confessions, & more.